This has cedarwood and spring water. Shake then spritz on your dog's bed, refresh vehicle carpet, house carpeting. Allow to dry before dog returns to area. DO NOT SPRAY DIRECTLY ON DOG.
This is one of my favorite scents! Shake then spritz on your dog's bed, refresh vehicle carpet, house carpeting. Allow to dry before dog returns to area. DO NOT SPRAY DIRECTLY ON DOG.
Shake then spritz on your dog's bed, refresh vehicle carpet, house carpeting. Allow to dry before dog returns to area. DO NOT SPRAY DIRECTLY ON DOG.
Shake then spritz on your dog's bed, refresh vehicle carpet, house carpeting. Allow to dry before dog returns to area. DO NOT SPRAY DIRECTLY ON DOG. This is also good for spritzing in the shower to help your colds and allergies!
This is my very favorite scent, since I bake! Shake then spritz on your dog's bed, refresh vehicle carpet, house carpeting. Allow to dry before dog returns to area. DO NOT SPRAY DIRECTLY ON DOG.
This is a great smelling spritz, just a little hint of floral... and one of the gifts of the Three Wise Men.
a very mild, great smelling tea... We have a Jewel Soap Bar that smells just as amazing!
another minty scent you are sure to love
a very citrus scent, clean and refreshing
another refreshing citrus scent
a fantastic, fresh, citrus scent
I just got new coconut, and it is a fantastic scent...