29 Jul

Hello all! I am very excited to let you all know that I have a new flavor in our Bear Bones Bakery lineup! A customer asked me to bake with CBD oil, and that was a huge NO right away, because there is no way to control the amount of treats different sized dogs would get. I am no vet, so would not be happy risking adding this to my treats. Dog safety would prohibit this addition...

To my surprise, she then suggested Melatonin. Okay, I have to say I do NOT have a poker face, so she could clearly tell that this was another huge NO WAY. Again, I would not give either to my dogs, so would not in any way consider giving that to any other dogs!

With all of my treats, if I wouldn't eat them, I don't feed them to my dogs. If my boys won't eat them, they do not get into my Bear Bones Bakery line to feed your dogs!

What I did, however, was go through making treats that contain natural ingredients that would help calm a dog...and weeks of attempting to get the amounts right resulted in Chalming Dog!

Chalming Dog (pronounced Calming Dog), contains chamomile, coconut and vanilla, all ingredients that my boys absolutely LOVED!

If it is any indication of the success of this new flavor, I have not been able to keep it in stock at Trader's World (in building 8, so come visit and get your treats)!

Not yet lab tested, but heading that way ASAP--and looking forward to hearing back from those of you that purchased my new flavor as to how your dogs liked them, and if you think it helps calming them!

Of course, with my boys, they love any flavor treat I bake. Grizzly and Maverick both dislike fireworks and thunder, so I am hoping to keep some at the house to test on them! LOL

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